Thursday, May 6, 2010

President Bachelet - UC Berkeley

Progressive Change in Latin America: The Chilean Path. 

Tuesday, May 4, 5:30 pm
Wheeler Auditorium, UC Berkeley
Center for Latin American Studies
University of California, Berkeley
2334 Bowditch Street
Berkeley, CA 95720-2312
Tel: 510-642-2088


 Nuestra amiga Paula & Michelle Bachelet
"Her integrity comes through, not only in words, but in actions. -It was truly an honor to meet her, and she has an ally in the Bay Area (Me), that will work hard to support her recently established foundation. Paula


mi eskritorio said...

... me lo perdi o alli estaria mi foto.

Anonymous said...

Michelle, más rubía que nunca, derrochando sonrisas y conquistando votos futuros(2014)...
Quizás los chilenos en el exterior ya podrán votar para esa fecha.
